Hoodie You Know


The secret club of boyhood has particular rules and guidelines.  For example, boys will lead you to believe that they are made of snails and puppy dog tails, but in actuality, they are made of yeses and whys and laughter.  This fact is only known by a select few – and only if the boys let you in on their little secret.  Another rule is that the official dress code for the SCoB is jeans (sometimes sweatpants are O.K.), gym shoes, T-shirts and hoodies.

Ask my son what his favorite piece of clothing is and he’ll tell you without hesitation, “It’s my hoodie, mama.”  What is it about the baby hoodie that attracts boys so much?  The ubiquitous hoodie offers warmth when it’s cold out; a makeshift disguise when you need it; a fast superhero cape for those quick getaways and of course, a kicky pattern is always a plus.   To get his baby brother indoctrinated into the club, my son picked out Album di Famiglia’s Baby Snap-Up Striped Hoodie.  When asked why he chose that hoodie he simply replied, “We like the pattern, the snaps make it easy to take on and off and it’s cool.”

Well, I have to agree with him.  This Italian made, machine-washable Baby Snap-Up Striped Hoodie is created with cotton, polyethylene and elastane blend for ease of movement; the snap closures to make changing a breeze and the terrific silhouette is always in style.

And as I see my little guy toddling after his big brother, wearing baby clothes which have been very carefully chosen, it is clear that his initiation into the Secret Club has officially begun.