Tip #8: Click, Click, Click

Here’s the eighth in our 10-part series of articles from Sabra Krock, on how to best capture images of your child.

Over-shoot. Digital photography is free and unlimited. Pretend your child is a fashion model on a runway or magazine shoot set. Children are fast-moving and the tiniest details – whether their eyes are open or at half-mast, whether their face is well-lit or in the shadows, the position of a hand or foot – can make or break a shot. I find that it often takes 10 frames or more to get one great one. You’ll be happy to have choices when it comes time to edit your photos.

This shot of Max looking right at me seems easy enough, but as you know, little ones rarely hold your gaze, particularly when there is a camera in your face! I had to take many shots to get just the right one.


This is the eighth installment in a weekly series of posts by Manhattan photographer Sabra Krock on how to take better photographs of your child. Come back next Monday for Tip #9: Pay Attention to the Background.